Published on June 16, 2005 By smok-n-joe In Ideas
Having an auto attack specificly for:
1 trade
2 colonization
3 starbases
4 ships

Would take away some of the things I found the most annoying about Galciv.
If one of the ai's decided to attack your frieghters, all of your trade routes could be gone in
a few turns. If I, as a human player decide to kill off some specific ships it is much harder
and tedious for me to locate and destroy an enemies ships. The computer (ai) does
this without regard to any other consideration. Automating som of this would be welcome.
The ai might sue for peace quickly if I could take away his trade as fast as he seems to take out mine.

on Jun 16, 2005
You've got a point, I always lose my trade routes very quickly if the routes run near enemy space, while I have trouble finding enemy freighters to destroy. Would be good if we got a little help.